Friday, June 12, 2009

It's Party Time!!!!!!!

OK everyone, I am starting early!

I have a question for you, and that is what is the craziest thing you have ever done on horse back?

Was there alcohol involved?

Were you an adult and knew better at the time or are you going to claim the ignorance is bliss defense?

Was it during the day or was it during the night?

If you were under age, did your parents ever find out?

Were your friends with you?

Was it legal?

OK, I know that is more than one question, but enquiring minds want to know!


«Oldest   ‹Older   201 – 279 of 279
SFTS said...

Cut-N-Jump wrote:
SFTS- Since when is healthy discussion, considered dragging into the mud?

I described head position in relation to the equipment and it's adjustment, as your words conveyed the thought that you didn't think I knew how things are supposed to fit. And yet you speak of others making assumptions about you and your methods? I think it's fair not to make the same assumptions.

- - - - - - - -

All I was saying was, let's not get back into the mud. Calm down. :)

Healthy discussion, even heated debate, when the issues are discussed and no bashing occurs, is great. No issue. It's when things get pissy and personal, sniping and snarking just to be bitchy, that problems arise.


horspoor said...

Good Lord SFTS...ENOUGH. Stop. No one cares. It's a discussion. You don't have to have the final word on it. You don't have to copy and paste everyone's posts. You don't have to respond to every point in everyone's post with a seperate post for each point. You don't have to be the AUTHORITY all the time. You say leave it, lets play nice..but you worry at whatever anyone posts like a dog at a bone. It's like you absolutely must have the last word on things, and point out wherever anyone may have missed a point, or a fact, or a what if. Leave it alone.

horspoor said...

I for one do not feel that I am participating in a dialogue with you. Rather, I feel like I am being lectured, repeatedly, over minutia."

SFTS said...

HP, respectfully, this IS a discussion. Hence we discuss. It's not about "getting the last word", it's about answering what is asked or directed. I assure you, nothing about a blog on the internet worries me. I have no desire to be an authority, nor do I try to lecture, preach, or anything other than...discuss.

If you don't wish to discuss anything with me, or respond to my posts, or even read them, by all means do not. It won't hurt, or worry me a bit.

Some folks have expressed an interest in hearing my opinions. There are even actually folks who enjoy hearing them, as opinions and theories and so forth is what I figured blogging is all about.

Hell, if JR doesn't want me to post, as it is his blog, I'll gladly refrain. I enjoy the reading, the sharing of knowledge and the whimsy at times, however, I shall respect his wishes.

horspoor said...

Ever superior, ever condescending. It's not the information so much as the tone, and the inflexibility of your thinking. Discussions at your house must be very different than discussions at mine. Everybody gets to have an opinion at my house without the fear of being belittled.

Yes, I usually enjoy conversing with you. But here lately you have become close to unbearable in your overbearing, condescending, superior attitude. It is off putting and irritating.

You're right. I don't have to converse with you. I don't have to read your long winded posts. I however may start correcting you as you have chosen to correct others.

I have to go pick up my kid now. Talk to you later.

cattypex said...

Dang, y'all are contentious drunks.... er,.... at least I *thought* this was the party thread!!!

; )

I love that we are the hoppy anti-headset people.

How did I happen upon yous guys in the first place anyway?

GL, is OK. I am wide, but not very tall or mean, so hiding behind me might be unwise....

And I'm a HAPPY drunk, btw. The get up and sing Irish songs loudly kind. The I LOVE you, MAN!!!! kind. And then I turn all red and shiny, and drag my husband off into the bushes.

Would that scare most horses?

I wish there were bars here with hitchin' posts.

SFTS said...

horspoor wrote:
Discussions at your house must be very different than discussions at mine. Everybody gets to have an opinion at my house without the fear of being belittled.
- - - - - - - -


Talk about being judgmental.

Feel free to correct me if I've posted something incorrect or inaccurate. I'm a big enough girl that I can handle it.

blueheron said...

SFTS- 54 comments, out of 205. That's more than 25%.
Whether you realize it or not, whatever wisdom and knowledge is contained in your posts is often lost on readers who skip your posts because they are too long winded, there are too many of them, and/or they contain too much copy/paste.

Whether you realize it or not, some of your comments do seem like they are baiting, or pushing peoples' buttons. As I tell my students, it isn't what they intend, but what actually happens that matters. If I do not intend to hurt someone's feelings, but I do, then I need to address the hurt feelings, not the person's "misinterpretation" of my intention.

SFTS said...


My horses are used to singing. My daughter sings to them. ;) Oh, and plays the radio. REAL loud.

I feel like I could use a drink. Too bad my day isn't anywhere near over yet, and that I don't really drink. ;)

blueheron said...

When people keep reflecting the same or similar messages about one's communication, (i.e., your posts come across as judgmental or opinionated or lecturing) the response could be to be defensive (what do you mean?, you are too, no I didn't) or to be reflective (Hmm, that is not what I intend, so what am I doing that comes across like that?). At least that's my take on it.

CharlesCityCat said...

JR and CNJ:

Usually, GL is hiding under a rock, so hiding behind Catty is an improvement. Don't worry about her, she is a bit "teched in the head." LOL

Catty, I bet your husband tries to get you drunk on a regular basis, teeheehee.

nccatnip said...

You know, just when you thought it was safe to get back in the water...

While I am of no value to add to much technical discussion, I do enjoy reading (lurking, be it may) and learning on the training blogs. That being said, I enjoyed the short respite we had from all the C&P, trips down memory lane to top others stories and yes, condesending tone of SFTS.
While I am sure you may have something of value to add, it gets lost in the sheer volume and redundancy of your posts.
While this has all been said before, and I believe very, very gently by JR, please- SFTS- give it a rest. Lighten up and shorten it a bit.
Run on posting is much like farting in public- just because you can, doesn't mean you should.
And since this is far from the first time you have been addressed, I already know your reply:
Yep, I know I can ignore your posts.

SFTS said...

I thank you, blueheron and nccatnip. I do know how some interpret my posts. I am who I am, I say what I mean, I mean what I say and I tell it like I see it. That's not popular, I realize.

In closing for this topic, thank you again JR for the invite, and thanks for the support.

Who Said That? said...

pssst! Like a person who is married more than a few times, when they whine and complain that their ex'es were all batshit loons, the rest of us see the common denominator in it and figure out pretty easily who the true batshit loon really is.

And speaking of marriages and invitations, sometimes they are offered because it is the polite thing to do. Not saying this is the case or intent here, but it was the only reason my sister was at my wedding.

Now back to our regularly scheduled party.

CP- you crack me up!

joanna said...

(should I be glad I missed the party?)

Some of the best times my friends and I had on horseback: riding double bareback, on an ex barrel horse, who would run around small pine trees as if they were barrels.
We loved to go swimming with our horses. Yes, bareback. In fact, most everything we did was bareback. Trail riding, barrels, cross country, you name it, we did it.

GoLightly said...

Oh, crap.
Was this the party thread??

Ya know, as soon as I commented and of course pushed "send", I yes, fired another memory cell up.
In Canada, No Standing Martingales in da jumpers.
You heathens are USofA Rules.

Uh, oh. That was looong, ago.
Has that changed too?
Hope not.
No place for them in jumpers.
Thanks, I'll take a glass of water.
Teched enough as it is.

Dena said...

CNJ JR HP CCC as I made the mess I will clean it with permission.
I invited it. It being STFS.

It was accidental that it ended up on fhotd but my doing all the same.
Now before I proceed if you would not let your children play with it?
Neither should you.

STFS Give it up! And no I am not attacking you. I am simply rebuking you.
You are a consummate fraud. Merely a puppet to your own unrepented folly.
Do not even waste your time trying to make comparisons of yourself to me in your future defenses of the indefensible. Which would be you.
We are nothing alike.
The only position you could have held here was that of a student.
As you have nothing of value pertinent to this blog to teach.
At best? I have no answer for that. As I have no experience with your best to draw from.
At worst? Well some of us know exactly what you are. Besides, incredibly mentally ill.
You have outstayed your welcome by far.
And as an added incentive? Perhaps, we can make a deal?
You go away. And I will let sleeping dogs lie.
I can see from fhotd your bubble is about to be burst in a big way.
Your credibilty is non-existent.
No one who reads you takes you seriously. Most pass over you.
I believe fugs herself said it best, "The Springer show is in Chicago".
Do you understand?
I certainly hope so. And if, you are foolish enough to think that CNJ and JR are easy targets?
You really couldn't be more wrong.
So run along little minor pestilence of discontent. And take your puppet with you.
Oh and while I am at it? Because I am a forgiving person.
Stacy Nichols may the Lord rain down all of his blessing upon you.
And if, you don't understand that?
It burns like a mother.

Sorry about that guys. I thought Begone Demon would be a little too dramatic.

not to instruct you but it might be advisable to simply put this post into draft after today.
But give it a few hours first if you do K?

JohnieRotten said...

Hell. I prefer not to go the bouncer route.

Hopefully won't have to.

bhm said...

Why don't you go to GL's blog to fight. That's where everyone goes when they want an out-and-out brawl.

Dena said...

With permission means I granted myselof permission to clean up what I played a part in causing.

And CNJ said you put the newspaper down so it seemed a good time.

JR She started out trying to promo herself as the greater trainer.
Now she is simply trying to make your blog into a joke.
And you by association in the training world.
She apparently forgot one of the greatest truths in horse training.
"The work speaks for itself".
As hers is beginning to do. All over the net.

I would suggest ignoring her.
I can delete anyone on my blog.
Just a thought.

Dena said...

One other thing before I go. NCC I would have never had the nuts to go there.

*walks jauntily away singing It's a Beautiful Day in The Neighborhood*
Loudly and happily...

SFTS said...

Will wonders never cease.

You see, this is a pattern taken by the individuals mentioned on the FHOTD blog ~ and it is unthinkable that anyone would want to drag this to JR's blog, let alone someone such as Dena Rodacker who should NOT be throwing stones at ANYONE.

To Dena...consummate fraud. Because a couple of deeply disturbed individuals contacted you privately and told you so?

I would not compare myself to you, Dena, if you were the last living soul on this Earth.

Mentally ill. Coming from someone who has herself been committed for such is nothing short of incredible.

You "will let sleeping dogs lie" if I "go away".

Is that a threat, Dena?

My bubble is about to burst? *My* credibility is in question? When I am attacked, and lied about, by anonymous folks and a couple of people with a serious axe to grind?

Indeed, Cathy did tell "Michael" that her vitriolic post would be better suited to Springer. I wholeheartedly agree.

Folks, do a few searches on "Dena Rodacker" and see what you come up with. It may enlighten you.

windingwinds said...

Damn this party's still buzzing? LOL. Though maybe one or two maybe could use post limiters-does wonders if you have to THINK before you write a book, cause all you can post is a paragraph! CHEERS!

JohnieRotten said...

Dont make me get out the rolled up newspaper!

joanna said...

JR, I have a couple of training collars if you need to borrow them.....

Dena said...

Awww shit... I was so hoping. Half the World has probably already googled me.
It has been addressed.
In this instance it your ass that is showing.

Had a restraining order placed against me for the harassment of a child?

Moved my family into a camp trailer on someone else's generosity?

Kept my horses at the expense of everything else my family held dear?

Expected others to feed my family and house my horses?

Claimed to be better than everyone else in any chosen profession or pastime?

Hurled stones as fast as I could pick them up at others?
No. That is one thing my own history taught me not to do.

Admitted my mistakes?
Yes. Repeatedly it would seem.

Attempted change for the better whenever possible?

Felt compelled to make everything that has ever happened someone else's fault?

We all have problems. All of us.
We all make mistakes.
How we address them is the true measure of who we are.
No one is perfect.
But you are just downright unpleasant. Grasping. And disrespectful.

Do you think you are playing with amateurs here?
You seek to divide. That has certainly not been one of my goals.
You see understanding you really isn't that difficult.

And I don't make threats. I propose a course of action and simply follow through.

JohnieRotten said...


Training collars....Shocking!

We may need some hot wire as well.

joanna said...

Cattle prods may help.

I admit, I did google you, Dena.
You know what else I found?


Just kidding.

JohnieRotten said...

joanna said...
Cattle prods may help.

I admit, I did google you, Dena.
You know what else I found?


Just kidding.

I just shot something through my nose.....I am not sure what~

joanna said...

EEWW I don't think anyone wants to know.

Who Said That? said...

Dena's dead? Is that like Rosebud being a bat? Dena did you know about this?

I know I have gotten messages from 'beyond' bit this might creep me out. Nah.

Who Said That? said...

About invitations...

Accepting one means you agree to respect the host and other guests, as well as the facility where the event is held.

Being kindly asked to please refrain by the host, means you are not upholding your part of the agreement.

joanna said...

Yes, she passed on Jan. 01, 1902.

*sniff sniff*

joanna said...

No, no. Rosebud was a sled.

SFTS said...

Dena wrote:
Awww shit... I was so hoping. Half the World has probably already googled me.
It has been addressed.
In this instance it your ass that is showing.

- - - - - - - -

Indeed, I am sure many have googled you. You seem to be proud you gave them plenty of reason to.

Had a restraining order placed against me for the harassment of a child?
- - - - - - - -

All are QUITE familiar with the Buckinbo saga, Dena. Old news.

Moved my family into a camp trailer on someone else's generosity?
- - - - - - - -

Your eviction history and begging for "donations" for your "rescue" are well documented. Most certainly, someone was, at one time, generous to you. Or not?

Kept my horses at the expense of everything else my family held dear?
- - - - - - - -

Neither have I.

Though I would never DREAM of dumping my horses off somewhere. Nor have I ever dumped one at an auction. Sound familiar?

Expected others to feed my family and house my horses?
- - - - - - - -

Neither have I.

I have, however, graciously accepted the generosity of folks I thought were sincere friends when things got tough. I am wiser now.

Claimed to be better than everyone else in any chosen profession or pastime?
- - - - - - - -

That would be a resounding "No" on my part, as well.

Hurled stones as fast as I could pick them up at others?
No. That is one thing my own history taught me not to do.

- - - - - - - -


I don't make threats. I propose a course of action and simply follow through.
- - - - - - - -

As do I.

windingwinds said...

Yes driving can be dangerous, but just in any other equine activity, research, research. I'd advoid trained horse pull teams for example, when the hook drops, the team GOES! But time spent learning is better than wasted wishing!

Dena said...

Are you kidding me? I am dead? Again?
Well WTF?

Hey that means I do not require airfare.

Seriously though, the last time I was dead. My name was Anderson.

I guess that whole into the light thing escaped me.

Cut-N-Jump said...

Hey JR, this looks like one of those parties where the cops show up, people scatter and you hope to Gawd, somehow in hell your parents never find out!

Those at always the best, ain't they?

Dena said...

STFS What part of go away do you find so difficult to comprehend?

And how socially stupid are you? I have read your posts trying to get JR to take your side over that of his own wife.
I assure you HE is not that stupid.
And as you have presented nothing that would justify it?
What does that say about you?
I usually do not engage in this. But I guess you can be a feature if you insist.
What a pain in the ass. All those records to pull, all those people to contact to verify information, all the posting to other message boards inviting everyone to read.
And all the copying and pasting involved.
Hey want a job? You are good at the C&P.
Some people just don't know when to quit.

It was so much easier to say, "Bless you Heart and Fuck Off".
But some people just can not take a hint.

Dena said...

Oh and one other thing? If you need a good D.U.I attorney?
I don't know any who practice in CA.

SFTS said...

Dena wrote:
SFTS What part of go away do you find so difficult to comprehend?
- - - - - - - -

If it was someone I actually cared about their opinion telling me to "go away", I would be more concerned. Seeing as how it is you, I could not care less.

I usually do not engage in this.
- - - - - - - -

Right. Some of us read all those "ifubelieve" posts, Dena. How stupid do you think people are?

And for the record, since I do not drink, I have no need for a DUI attorney. What will they come up with next?

Dena said...

JR and CNJ you host some fabulous parties.
I think this one might qualify as the craziest thing I have done that involved horses.
No alcohol as an excuse either.

My vote is to let it continue to live in the world of make believe.
Ignore it whenever possible.
And grant it the same courtesy and respect it grants others.
As that is virtually none. That should not be a problem.
I could point out that the fact that not one has stood in defense of and as far as clues go it is a pretty good one.
But what would be the point.

Hey do I qualify for the whole Dead Woman Walking thing?

*It's a Beautiful Day in The Neighborhood*

Dena said...

And stop using all my words. I know that imitation is the sincerest form of flattery but Jeeez.
Enough already. Everybody already knows they are my words.

Why don't you make your own blog to run amuck on?
I know I know your kind crave an audience.

I must go sleep. Early morning appointment with the Dept. of Corrections.

horspoor said...

Wow...go pick up my kid. Give a couple lessons. Treat Maisa's allergies, feed...and it's still going. And I thought I was thick.

Let it go. It is quite apparent that kindness doesnt work, a sledgehammer doesn't work. So...might as well just leave it.

JR....yes this question is for JR.

Little arab mare. Was doing really well. She's kind of a scattered tough thing to begin with. In the last week she's deteriorated. It's an odd deterioration. She's not being naughty, she's not overly hot. It's like she's lost the rhythm to her gaits. Oddest thing I've sat on in a long time. Gave me that, "holy shit we're going down" feeling. She wasn't being bad...she was just walking. Felt completely out of balance.

It felt worse than it looked, and it was worse in the turns. She's not off. No shortness of stride, no bob. I rode her with swinging reins, I rode her with a little contact, I rode her with legs on, legs off. The frame would change, the level of impulsion would change. But that unbalanced feeling of going to eat shit at moment didn't change. It gave me pit of my stomach, going to puke feeling.

Something is wrong. I have no clue what it is. But I don't think it's good.

CharlesCityCat said...

Damn, I go away for a bit and look what happens.

I can only hope that we can keep this here on this topic and not continue it to other topics. If not, lets take it back over to FHOTD where this is the norm and where everyone waits like sharks about to have a feeding frenzy.


I was going to make a couple of observations, of the non-snark variety, but after reading this I am not so sure I want to.

Let us not turn JR's blog into a freakin catfight, K?

Dena said...

HP Not JR obviously but that sounds neuro.
Possums in your area?

horspoor said...

Yup Dena. That's exactly what I didn't want to hear. It's been playing in the back of my head.

Dena said...

Hauled 3 of those last year. Really not a good thing.
I can't remember all the information I was inundated with.
And to be honest I didn't credit most of it as gospel.
Have her tested ASAP HP. That shit is scary.
And be careful even just leading her. I had two walking alongside me just go whooomp.
Really hoping for the best on this.
Fingers crossed and hands folded.

Cut-N-Jump said...


Like Dena said could be Neuro, but check a few things

1 palpate Hee back along the spine. She may be very sore in the back.

2 check her hips it may be her SI's

3 check her sides, make sure she is not sore over the ribs.

That would be a good place to start.

We have a horse here that went down with his owner after she said she had what felt like a wobbly ride. The horse ended up having a severe bruising in his hips. How that happened is anyone guess. Usually if there is a problem with the horses back you won't see it as much as you will feel it. What we did for him was turn out and rest. And he seems fine today.

And actually this is JR. I am using CNJs iPhone. Keep me informed.

Cut-N-Jump said...

We do not have possums here. So that has never been a problem

Dena said...

Good one JR. The big bay did that when he threw his back out.
He moved a little shorter too.
When I asked him to back while grooming is when I saw the spasm.

I forgot about that. Can you do a thread about the stuff you just talked about too one of these days.

Wish my vets responded as quick as you.

horspoor said...

Okay, when the owner pulled her out of the field today, she was covered in dirt and manure. She'd obviously been wallowing, but was only dirty on her withers, and both shoulders.

The owner told me the fell a week or two ago. The mare just slipped and down they went. She said it was slow motion, and a soft landing.

We have possums. I lost two to EPM, but they contracted it, we think at the barn in town.

horspoor said...

Calling the vet in the morning. I need to take Maisa in for allergy shots anyway. I'll just inform the owner we need to go.

I want a full eye exam, and neurological exam on her. If they find nothing I'm going to make the vet ride her. lol Yeah, so tell me that's nothing.

JohnieRotten said...

That is thwbest course of action HP

JohnieRotten said...

Keep us posted!

PrairieFarmer said...

Man, I'm such an ignoramus. I just had to google EMP and possums. Possums! That's one I wouldn't have thought to worry about. Geez. Luckily we don't have too many at least where I have my horses.
Totally OT - but hatched 6 baby duckling today. Chocolate Runners. So freakin cute. Mama duck bit me - twice - when we were moving her and babies to a safer spot!
And rode my no lateral flexion (high headed) mare today. I do believe she is getting better! She is much more relaxed and therefore, so am I! Using your tips JR, thanks again.

horspoor said...

If you haven't seen it or dealt with it, it is unlikely you'd know about PF. Here it's an we're aware.

PrairieFarmer said...

Well, I'm just glad to know now. So next time I see somebody asking about possums in a horse-related way, I'll know what they are getting at!

Dena said...

Hey you guys. We have all been featured on
Even you SFTS.

PRS said...

I don't know about the craziest thing I've done on horseback but certainly the STUPIDEST was crossing the river on the rail road trestle. We were 12 at the time and had to walk the horse around the broken parts. You know...where the decking was missing a board. Nevermind the fact that a freight train could come by at any moment! It gives me the shivers to think about it now.

CharlesCityCat said...


That makes me feel quesy just reading about it!

Cut-N-Jump said...

SFTS- I have been thinking about many of the things you have posted on this thread and a few others.

Logically and as if taking you at your word on each point.

If I wanted to list them all and the ignorance of each, you would be toast. You pretty much already are, all at your own hands.

Anyone else reading with any sense can see right through you too. So I will just leave it at that.

No mud.

Cut-N-Jump said...

Dena- those kitties are funny!

SFTS said...

You are certainly entitled to your opinion, nor am I concerned about trying to change it. To each her own.

Ignorance is in the eye and mind of the observer, CnJ. I could certainly turn the tables around on you and say the very same. And we must have very different opinions of "mud".

Toast? Not really. But again, you are certainly entitled to your opinion. We all have them.

JohnieRotten said...


Dont make me stop this blog.

The two of you are going to get a time out, and I do not care who started it!

If you disagree that is fine, but keep the snide remarks to yourselves~

SFTS said...

Yikes. Ok. Just don't get out the rolled up newspaper!!

*heads off to the feed store wondering if that rolled up newspaper trick that keeps bad horsies away from t-posts would work on naughty horses that try to chew wood or lean on shelter support poles...*

CharlesCityCat said...


I saw your comment on FHOTD that you were hiding from your blog. Was truly funny! LOL

I had wanted to address some comments to SFTS last PM but she had turned ugly, so I did refrain.

I have decided to give it a try, not that I will be anymore successful than anyone else.

SFTS, I remember way back when you first started on FHOTD (long before the cut and paste addiction started), I enjoyed reading your comments. After some time, you became the "Lecture Professor Queen." When I was in college, my Professors would stand up on a stage with an overhead projector, and a grease pencil and a microphone. That Professor would drone on and on and make notes on that screen. Guess who you remind me of?

I do not come to these blogs to be lectured by someone I do not even know, someone who has no proof that they ride better than I do, someone who I am not paying to train me or my horses.

You need to readjust your presentation, drop the cut and paste, we are intelligent people, we are capable of remembering what you might be referring to. Remember, you are addressing us, so what matters is how you present to us, not what makes it easy for you. You are supposed to be a trainer/teacher, your skills are supposed to be developed to what works for your students, not what works best for you.

I am not going to get into your squabbles with those other myriad of posters who have problems with you, frankly, with the tragic things happening in my life right now, they are meaningless.

Frankly, why you would chose to discuss that much detail of your troubles on a blog such as FHOTD, I can't understand. That is like dumping a bucket of chum over the side of a boat to invite a feeding frenzy of sharks.

Dena said...

CNJ You know something? JR is right. I would still cut him off quite literally for a bit for that were I you. But he is right.
I would send a private email but that would just create more conspiracy theories.

SFTS is overlooking one glaring inconsistency with her treatment as compared to mine.
My information was brought here by someone other than myself.

I was featured. In a very negative light. I did not even know fhotd existed before I became a feature.

I wasn't really fighting just solely for the purpose of irritating everyone who said hurtful things about me.

Although there were occasions I did regress to that.

Mostly, I wasn't willing to be defined by a group of people who didn't know me from Adam.
And I really did not want to think that the world was that ugly.
I would have never left the house again. Kind of not kidding.

SFTS is fighting herself and situations she has created herself by trying to force us to acknowledge her perception of herself.
Because then in her mind it WILL be true.

Some people become ill because the world can be such an ugly place.
Others become ill because they live in such an ugly place.
And some people just are.

In this case, I would say it does not matter, as it simply is.

She isn't going to go away unless JR forces the issue. Which he has made clear he isn't going to do.
I presume because he already knows that if he did there would just be a surfeit of new SNs and negative interference.

We really should stop playing with it though no matter how persistently irritating it may be.
It just makes us look bad.

JohnieRotten said...


I love the cats!

Dena said...

They were meant to lighten a unpleasant situation.
Glad they served.

SFTS said...

CCC, I wanted to thank you for taking the time to express how you feel. I honestly do appreciate hearing others' take and I do consider those feelings and opinions. Particularly if they come from someone who's genuine ~ and I have no reason to believe you are not. I've had respect for your views and appreciated your input and insight before you left the FHOTD blog.

You know, I went back and re-read through a lot of my early comments on FHOTD from January on, and what I found was nothing has really changed about how I respond and post. From my very first comment, on the Cleve Wells post, I copied and pasted what I wanted to respond to. In skimming, I noticed a lot of folks do the same. However, I admit I probably take that to the extreme, more than likely because of the volume of things I feel compelled to reply to or discuss.

Then I noted you not so much challenging me, but it seemed more to try keeping me grounded ~ yours were some of the comments I found to be level headed and full of common sense. We talked about draw reins, you mentioned having used them. I have been crucified here and at FHOTD for that, particularly by Dena, who claimed those of us who do and have used them are "slackers". And ultimately came the Dream Chasers fiasco, and the return of "4sam". Remember, I was one who was right there with you, defending the fact that some people DO change. I also recalled that you were "disturbed" by CnJ and JR (went so far as to tell him he had a "mean streak" in relation to Dena).

I have saved my comments to these blogs via email, since the beginning. Some would ask why. I ask, why not? Future reference, to go back and be able to pull something I said ~ and it comes in handy if someone misquotes me. :) Hence being able to go back through and discern any changes in my 'style' or 'delivery'. :)

I am truly sorry you feel that I have, and I'm further sorry that any of this has made you feel like skipping my comments. I really do try add something valuable to the discussion, no matter where.

As for the personal issues, I chose to post as I did, because I have nothing to hide. I am not perfect, none of us are. Never have I claimed to be. However, I do my level best and I try to do right by everyone.

That said, there are three VERY disturbed people, who do live right here, in this small town, where my family resides and nearby where I operate my business. I have been stalked, followed home, harassed, I have had clients called trying to dig dirt on me, slandered to those clients (who have all chosen to ignore the rabid rantings of these twisted people) and these people have even called my mother in Colorado to tell wild stories about me and tell her I should have my daughter taken away from me. They have called my veterinarian, blasting me. They have called various authorities, and harassed my landlady in an effort to have me evicted from my home. It goes on and on.

I asked a couple of others who wisely told me I might consider refraining from answering, what would you do? Attacked by anonymous people making up various alter identities in order to flame and defame you? By people who are sick and obsessed, who's life goal has become to ruin your life? The only thing I know, is to answer any questions and refute any lies. But I am weary of it.

It's gotten to the point that I do not DARE advertise the facility I am working out of, for fear these insane people will barrage the dear, wonderful folks who own said facility with these vicious lies, and cause my family even more trauma than we have already been through.

But you know what I find most incredible, particularly about what has spilled over onto this blog? How Dena herself eloquently spoke about how horrible the "being featured on FHOTD twice" experience was for her and her family. She spoke of the people calling her, harassing her, of people who did things in *real life*, to her and her family, coming by her home and so forth. Yet, she seems to want to perpetuate similar on my family.

I am sorry this is so long winded.

Dena said...

I am not going to dwell on this nor be sucked back in.

Having lived through it I certainly would not wish harm on another victim or orchestrate it.

If you are not believable the end result is that you will not be believed.
That applies to all without any result of discrimination.

Divide and conquer isn't going to work well here.

There are some harsh realities of life that apply to us all.

Had I never done drugs much of what happened in my life would not have.
Simple as that.
I live with that knowledge every single day of my life.

Same as, I live with the knowledge that I cannot undo what has already been done.

Now and for quite some time my choice is simply what do I do with the rest of my life?

My life has value. My mistakes have played a part in defining who I am. What I have learned from those mistakes.
How I choose to proceed.

Being a victim of your own poor choices does not a quality life yield has been my experience.

To be a victim is to be powerless. Miserable way to go if you ask me.

To change that somewhere along the line it has to stop being everyone else's fault.

And as I believe I have covered everything that needs to be covered that is all I have to say about that.

CharlesCityCat said...


A bit long-winded but look, you didn't even copy and paste any of my comment. Just joshin with you.

Yes, alot of people do C & P, but not practically every time and every word of the comment you are responding to. It just makes a difficult read and I think alot of what is good info gets lost in all of that.

To me it just seems that there used to be more of your personality and humor in your comments before. It just feels lecturey now, and like reading a textbook. You did make a comment I believe on this topic before the shist hit the fan that was funny and I thought I wished you would be that way more often.

As far as the posting of your troubles on FHOTD, everyone has a reason for what they do. I will respect that you had yours for doing that. I can also respect that you needed to respond to those other posters when they attacked you, I would have done the same thing. However, my response would have been a brief statement that what they were saying was lies and that I refuse to waste anymore time on them because they aren't worth it. Arguing back and forth gets you no where and ultimately erodes your credibility.

Anyway, these are just my observations.

SFTS said...

Like Dena (Hell, I never thought I would say that...), the "issues" brought forth surrounding my life were not brought forward by me. As Dena did on several forums from last Fall through this year, I have only sought to refute the nonsense perpetuated by individuals who have an axe to grind.

But there is one striking difference.

Dena's "issues" were self created. Mine came about because two people who both are angry at me for reasons I have outlined, in detail (and would be more than happy to do so further, if requested, in order to get further into the real truth of these matters), have decided to go on a campaign of ruining my life.

Dena says that had she not done drugs, much of what happened in her life would not have happened.

Likewise, had I not blindly trusted a couple of people, none of this would have happened in mine. I, too, live with the knowledge that it was, indeed, my own fault. I am too trusting. Always have been. Hopefully I have learned a valuable lesson, who to trust and who not to trust. Who I can open up to, who I can count on, and who I cannot. Who is truly, honestly a friend. But anymore, I really don't trust my judgment in that area.

My life has value as well. And oh yes, I have made plenty of mistakes. I freely admit them, and hope to learn from them. I also have never, ever chosen to "play the victim" in proceeding on with my life. I have never assumed the role of victim, though I have had some folks tell me I have been brutally victimized. It just isn't me.

We choose to move forward, not live in the past. Though, we are prepared to do what we need to do in order to secure our future. If that means taking action to prevent further harm to myself, my family and my business, that is indeed what we shall pursue.

To Dena ~ making assumptions about someone you do not know, based on the fact that you have chosen not to like them as a person from internet postings (regardless of your assertions to the contrary) and based on what one or two nameless, faceless people have told you which seem to fit into your vision of the person you have chosen to dislike, shows very poor taste and judgment on your part.

I do apologize for the nastiness that ensued last weekend. I took some shots at you that were unfair. I regret that. I would much rather be able to deal with contentious issues, including differences about training horses (and we ALL have's like feeding horses, ask 100 different people and you'll likely get 100 different answers), without having to get nasty and mean.

SFTS said...

CCC, LOL...thank you. I really am making a conscious effort to cut down on the copy and paste. ;)

I truly, honestly appreciate your observations and I am thankful you feel that you can discuss them with me. That's what I really think these blogs should have more of when folks disagree. Either respectfully let the party with whom you are discussing something know how and why you disagree, or agree to disagree and be nice about it. I myself am guilty, more times than I would like to admit, of not doing so. But I have vowed to work harder on that, too.

As for on FHOTD...

More than likely, all I can figure in hindsight is that I reacted out of anger in the beginning, and because of the obvious tension of the situation (that has, as I've mentioned, been ongoing for 1.5 years now) I blew my lid. I had to take quite a few deep breaths before responding in the first place, to the first post, though I think I failed miserably. But the background just prior to that, I had been harassed via email by one of these persons for several hours on Sunday, and I was at my limit of tolerance. That and several phone calls from them. My landlady being harassed by them, too. And a call from my mother, who is tired of being harassed by these people herself.

I should have done as you say, and simply posted a contrite note saying I refuse to sink to their level, or something of that nature. This morning, when the most recent attack (posted last night on FHOTD's newest entry) came through to me this morning, I chose not to reply. Oh, I could go into detail regarding that comment, but that would be allowing myself to be dragged back into that nasty, disgusting mud.

I am a better person than that. :) And I know I have more to offer than arguing with the likes of these people.

Again...thanks. You're very good at helping me to be more grounded.

JohnieRotten said...


Here in the Rotten Hood, we let the past go and move forward!

We have all fucked up at one time or another. But enough is enough!

All are welcome here. I prefer to keep it that way!

CharlesCityCat said...

Rotten Hood, snerk!

Done JR!!!!

SFTS said...

LMAO...Rotten Hood.

Yes, SIR. :)

*backs away, skeered of the rolled up newspaper...*

Dena said...

JR I eats nails for breakfast and washes em down with battery acid.
I ain't skeered of no rolled up newspaper.

That said your past has to be in your past not coloring every aspect of your present and your excuse for continuing to be an ass before it qualifies as your past.

I don't make victims!!! But I sure as hell ain't afraid to run right over and through a road block...

Hurdles can be leapt over as it simply involves a raising of your game. Or, is that raising the bar?

JR I am so telling Mom...

Besides, I said I was done playing with it anyhow.:P

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